Failure is the Way to Success
Living by Faith in a World Full of Fear
Failure is the Pathway to Success
Luke 5:1-11
Today we will continue our series on “Learning to Live by Faith in a World Full of Fear” by turning to Luke 5.  I like the timing of what God has laid on my heart to share with you today bmuch better than last week’s assignment.
Last week, on Mother’s Day, we talked about the Fear of Death. That does not seem to me to be the best fit if you are looking to honor the event.  That has never been much of a concern to me.  I think it is right that we honor those days, but there is a more important task at hand every time we gather and that is to honor God’s Word and His message. 
But I do have to say there is a very appropriate message for today in this text because today we honor our graduates. And the message for today is especially fitting for them as they step into this brand new avenue of life.  However, the message is not restricted to them.  Today I want to share some thoughts with you about the fear of failure. 
And actually I want to talk about how to be successful.  But here is where the waters get murky because what some of us never realize is that “Failure is the Way to Success”. 
Now obviously that seems like a contradiction.  Most of the time when we talk about failure, it means something failed not succeeded.  But far too often we are looking through the lenss of the world rather than with an heavenly perspective. 
Listen:  You may think something is over, but with God involved, many times things are not what they appear to be.  In fact, in God’s economy, failure is oftentimes them way to success. 
In fact, I’ll go a step farther and say, that maybe sometimes the greatest thing that can ever happen to us is to fail. 
Somebody may be here this morning that has failed and you think it is the end, but I want to tell you, many times, it is only the beginning.  Many times it is the greatest thing that can ever happen to us. 
Let me show you what I mean by way of this story in the Bible recorded in Luke 5.  This story tells us about two fishing trips the disciples were involved in.  One ended with no fish; the other ended with so many fish their boat couldn’t hold them and they had to call for another boat and for some more fishermen to help them they got so many fish.
Now in these two stories we find the difference between these success and failure. Why was it that one fishing expedition brought nothing and the other fishing expedition brought such a large catch of fish?
Luke 5:1-11
Now one of the greatest lies that Satan has ever used on us is that when we fail, it’s all over and God will never use us again.  In fact, He probably doesn’t even love you anymore.  You are such a disappointment to Him, He is just devastated. 
And if you know what’s good for you, you sure better not show your face down at that church again.  Those are good folks down there and they don’t want the likes of you messing things up!
Does the devil ever tell you things like that?  That’s how he likes to operate.  But the truth of the matter is nothing could be farther from the truth!
When you study the Bible you discover that God has never had anything but imperfect people with which He can work. 
Think about Adam and Eve. The first two people that God made, even though He created them to be perfect and placed them in a perfect environment rebelled aginst Him and became imperfect. 
But what did God do with them?  He gave them another opportunity in spite of their failure.  He offered them redemption and provided for their sins and protected them from an eternity separated from Him. 
Think about Abraham.  He is called the Father of the Faithful. He is the Friend of God.  And yet Abraham failed when he went down into Egypt and he lied about his wife saying that she was his sister and not his wife.  Abraham jumped ahead of God and tried to do God’s will without God’s help.  He had a child by a woman other than His wife.  We still feel the effects of Abraham’s disobedience today.  But even though Abraham failed, that was not the totality of his life.  He came back to receive the promise of God and he became the father of the Hebrew race.
Was Jonah a failure?  I guess so!  He ran from God and tried to escape doing God’s will.  But one of the sweetest verses in the Bible says, “The word of God came to Jonah a second time”. 
John Mark failed on the missionary journey when he deserted the Apostle Paul and ran home to momma.  But that isn’t all there is to Mark’s testimony.  He was a faithful disciple of the Lord Jesus, writing the second gospel of the New Testament.  Even Paul came around and bragged on Mark later in life. 
Peter failed when he cursed and denied the Lord, but he wasn't a failure because he came back.  And filled with the Spirit, he preached and three thousand souls were saved on the day of Pentecost. 
David failed when he committed adultery and he committed murder to cover it up.  But he wasn't a failure because he repented of his sin and he came back and he wrote many Psalms that have helped millions of people. 
Listen:  Just because you fail doesn't mean that you are a failure.  The Scripture tells us that the great men and women of history who have failed went on, in spite of their failures, to be used of God in powerful and wonderful ways. 
God has always used imperfect people. By the way, what else would He use? God has always used the things this world calls foolish to confound the wisdom of this world.  The things considered weak, God has used to confound the things the world considers strong.  And you and I may have failed and we will fail again but God will use us and God will show us that failure is the way to success.
Now the focus in the text before us is on Simon Peter.  Here in Luke 5 we find a professional fisherman who has been fishing all night long.  He knows where to fish, he has the best equipment, he has the nets, he has the boats, and he has the experience.  He has fished all of his life.  He has fished all night long and he has caught nothing. 
Now why is this?  Well, I think this Scripture reveals that God is teaching him a lesson.  Did you know many times, God will allow us to fail because He wants to teach us a lesson?  And I think that is what is happening here.  God wants to show Peter and the other disciples that He has a plan for their life.  He wants to change direction in their life.  He has something else for them to do and so He allows them to fail.
So let me share with you this morning some lessons about how to succeed in life. First of all, we learn that failure is the way to success:
I.  When We Acknowledge God's Presence
There is a very distinct difference between the two attempts to catch fish in this text.  Did you catch it?  We notice right off the bat that Jesus is invited along on the second trip. 
Now prior to this time, Peter has been fishing by himself. Jesus is not aboard the ship.  But now he invites Jesus to come on board. 
But notice, even though Jesus is on board, Peter doesn’t think it will make much difference. 
Verse 5
Lord, You’re welcome to come along, but I don’t think it will make any difference.  What good will it do?  I’m the expert on fishing.  I know the honey holes.  I know the business.  I’ve been fishing all night and haven’t caught a thing.  I’m a failure and I don’t know what good it will do, but just out of respect for you, I’ll let down the nets one more time. 
What’s going on here?  I think Peter is learning a valuable lesson about what it means to have Jesus in the boat. 
Did you ever think that maybe you’ve failed so God can let you know how much you need Him?  He may have let you fail because you have refused to acknowledge His presence in your life. He may be trying to get you to acknowledge that He is with you, that He is your Lord, that He is your Savior, that He is your Master.  And you need to acknowledge His presence in your life.
And if you are not a Christian this morning, He may be trying to get you to invite Him into your life.  Just as Jesus came on board that ship, Jesus wants to come into your life.  He wants to come into your heart.  He wants to take charge.  He wants to take control.  He wants to be the captain of your ship.  He wants to be captain of your life.  And you need to invite Him in to be your Lord and your Savior.
In regard to that, let me show you a picture that emerges from this story. Peter said, “I’ve done everything I know to do and the result is, I’m empty.  Understand that?  His best wasn’t good enough. 
That is an accurate picture of the life that tries to be right with God through good works. It’s not enough.  You can never be good enough to reach God’s standard. And the result is, one day you’ll stand before God with nothing.  You’ll be empty as far as salvation is concerned. 
That’s pictured in the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus says, “One day there will be those who appear before God saying, “Lord, look at all we did.  We preached and gave and ministered.”  But the response of Jesus is, “You’re boat is empty!”  Get out of My presence.  I don’t know you.”
Listen:  You may try to stand before God and say, “I did my best”.  But understand, your best is never good enough.  We need Jesus in the boat with us.  So first of all, if you want to turn your failures into successes, then learn to acknowledge God’s presence. 
Here’s the second thing.  Failure can lead to success
II. When We Appropriate God's Power
verses 5-6
Notice the difference it makes when Jesus is in the boat. 
Zero in on that word “Master”.  When Simon said “Master”, that is a word that means Lord. That means not only did Simon acknowledge Jesus as Lord of his life, but also he acknowledged Jesus as Master of the ship.  He acknowledged Jesus not only as landlord, but also as sea lord.  He acknowledged Jesus as Lord of everything, as Lord of all. 
Now here we learn a valuable lesson about life:  Before you can appropriate the power of Jesus in your life, you must not only know Him as your Savior, but you must acknowledge Him as your Lord.  The power of God becomes available to us when Jesus Christ is in charge of your life. 
There is a real difference in simply claiming Jesus is your Savior and living with Him as Lord and Master of your life. 
Many Christians will never know the power of God in their life because they never sell out to Him.  They want a mixture of God’s control and their control.  They love the Lord as long as there are no demands made, but they don’t really want to sever their relationship with the world. 
But Jesus said, “You can’t serve both.  To love one is to hate the other.”  If you want the power of God at work in your life, you’ve got to decide to unashamedly and wholeheartedly serve Him as Lord of everything. 
To do less is to come up empty.  I find it interesting that Peter said, “We have toiled all night and we have caught nothing.”
If you’re trying to do something of spiritual significance, it can’t begin with “we”.  God alone gets the glory.  It is His power and His work and He is Lord.  That is true in our lives; it is true in the church. There will be no fruit and no success when it is done in the energy of the flesh no matter what you do.
It is one thing to be saved, it is another thing to be surrendered and let Christ work through you.  It is one thing when He is present in your life; it is another thing when He is president in your life.  It is one thing when He is prominent in your life; it is another thing when He is preeminent in your life. 
It is one thing when you are saved; it is another thing when you are surrendered.  It is one thing when you are indwelt; it is another thing when you are infilled. It is one thing when you are converted; it is another thing when you are consecrated. 
My friend I am talking about being totally surrendered. I’m talking about saying, “Lord, it doesn’t matter what I think or what I’ve experienced or what I’d do, it’s Your Word that matters.  At at Your Word, I’m letting down the nets.”
There had to be total obedience on Peter's part before that great catch of fishes took place.  That was the difference in the first effort and the second effort.  With the first one, it was what men could do.  With the second, it was what God could do.
And notice it didn't make any sense.  We have already tried everything we can do Lord. And we are professionals.  So often the church is "professional".  Lord we have done this church business; we know how to do it.  We are professionals at the Christian life Lord.  We know how to do it.  We know the formula, we know the organization, and we know what to do.  So many times, it ends up with a big fat zero.  Why?  Because the power of God is not present. 
If you want to turn the failures of your life to successes, you must appropriate God’s power.   
Thirdly we can see failures turn to successes
III. When We Accept God's Plan
Verse 4
Now there are three things in that verse that are significant.  Two are stated; one is implied. 
First of all, to know God’s plan, Peter had to
  • Look Up
This is the one that is implied.  If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve noticed that when the story begins, Jesus gets in the boat and begins teaching the crowd that is following Him. We see that in verse 3. 
Then when we get to verse 4, he stopped speaking to the crowd and starts speaking to Peter. Now I’m not sure how all that unfolded, but here’s how I picture it: When Jesus arrived at the seashore, the crowd is gathered and trying to hear and see the Lord, and off in the distance are these fishermen. 
They’ve worked hard all night.  They’re frustrated because they’ve caught no fish.  And now they are leaning the nets and trying to get everything taken care of so they can go home and get some rest 
Jesus then shows up and asks Peter to let Him use his boat for a little while. And I wonder if Peter isn’t put out with that just a little bit. 
But he does it and even though he’s in the boat with Jesus, I wonder if his mind isn’t on the work still yet to be done and getting home and relaxing a little bit.  And maybe all he can think about is a wasted night and all that work and nothing but an empty boat. 
And then all of a sudden Jesus breaks into all of that and is suddenly talking to Peter one on one.  And Peter suddenly realizes Jesus is addressing him and he looks up at the Lord. 
Do you know what that says to me?  Sometimes we can get so pre-occupied with the mundane trivial details of life that we don’t even realize the Lord is speaking to us. Many times the defeats of the past rob us of the opportunity that is before us.  
And sometimes what we need more than anything else is get our attention off our failure and our plans and take a brand new look at the Lord.  I would suggest to you if you are looking for success in life, look up.  Make sure you have a word from God just for you. 
Then Jesus said,
-Launch Out
Now for Peter, that was an act of obedience.   Launch out into the deep.  The deep waters are where the big fish are. 
If you are going to get in on God’s plan and be successful in serving Him, you must obey God’s word.  Now I will warn you, many times what God asks us to do makes no sense. 
It certainly didn’t make sense in this instance.  They’ve worked all night and caught nothing.  They are experienced fishermen.  They know what they are doing, and yet Jesus says, “Launch out.”
There are a lot of instances in the Bible where that is
exactly how God operates.  When God told the children of Israel to go forward into the Red Sea it didn't make sense.  Here they are with the mountains on either side and the Egyptians behind them and the Red Sea in front of them and God says, “Go forward.”
That didn't make any sense. But it doesn't have to make sense to us; we just need to obey God.  Many times, God will ask us to do something totally illogical to us, but it is God's plan. 
Then thirdly, He said
  • Let down
Just because they launched out didn’t mean they caught the fish. And here is where Peter’s faith in Jesus get’s involved. If they hadn’t let down the nets, they would have merely been out for a boat ride and the lesson to be learned here is that we’ve got to go all the way.
A lot of people are barely getting their feet wet when God wants us to get in over our head. God wants us to do some things that can only be explained by saying, “God did it”, and we are content with a Sunday outing to church. 
Many Christians will never be used of God because they stop short of relying on God and living by faith.
Let me just suggest that if when you look back on your Christian walk there is nothing to explain because it goes beyond the usual and customary of human experience, why don’t you try living by faith? 
Many will never tithe because they don’t trust God with their finances.  Many will never share their faith because they are too scared or lazy or uninterested to go beyond sitting in Sunday School and listening to someone else teach God’s word. 
Many will never see anything happen in their life that includes God because they will never let down the nets for a catch.
But if you will look up to see the Lord, launch out into the deep of His word and let down your nets for a catch, you just might be amazed at what kind of plan God has put together for your life. 
That leads to the fourth thing:  Our failures become the pathway to success
IV. When We Anticipate God's Promise
verses 6 and 7
Can you picture that?  Just a few hours earlier they caught nothing and now they have a catch of fish so large that the boats began to sink. In fact, they have to call others to come and help them with the fish.   
Can you picture that for your life?  Could you imagine being so blessed by God that there is plenty to spill out into the lives of others? 
Could you imagine that for our church?  That God is so faithful to us that we are able to reach out to others with the good news of salvation? 
Did you ever realize that is exactly how the church operates?  Every week faithful men and women come to God’s house and in faithful obedience to Him they bring their tithes into the storehouse and voluntarily give a portion of that which God has blessed them with and give it to the Lord’s work in anticipation of God’s promise coming back into their life. 
The church is then empowered to go into the world and do the work of God through missions and ministry. 
What is happening?  In our personal lives, God is overflowing and blessing so that the abundance is shared with others.  Likewise the church takes the blessings of God and spills those over into the boats of those around us. 
By the way, that was the object lesson the Lord taught that day.  Look down to verse 11. 
What they were learning was the most important thing in life was catching men, not fish.
And with that hands-on learning experience in the boat fresh in their mind, Jesus sent them out to do evangelism.  And they went out expecting God to bless, in fact, anticipating God’s blessing. 
Charles Haden Spurgeon was speaking to a pastor n who served in a little country church and he said, “Mr. Spurgeon, I am so discouraged because no one comes when I extend the appeal to the invitation.  And when you extend the invitation people come and are saved but when I extend the invitation no one is saved.”
Mr. Spurgeon said, “Young man, do you really expect someone to come down the aisle every time you give the invitation?”
And he said, “No sir.”
And Charles Spurgeon said, “That is why they don't.” 
God meets us at the level of expectancy.  Do you expect something great to happen every time you come to this church?  If you do, it will.  Do you expect God to move?
Some of you don’t.  The invitation time is the time to gather up all your paraphernalia or slip out to the restaurant or wherever.  It’s very evident that you don’t expect God to do anything, at least not in your life.    
Listen:  God wants to bless us more than we ever want to be blessed.  In your business, in your home, in this church, in your life, in your marriage, God wants to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to His mighty power that is at work in us!
That is God's promise.  Jeremiah 33:3, "Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know."
Learn to anticipate the promises of God.
Then one final thing:  Our failures become the pathway to success  
V.  When We Adopt God's Purpose
verses 8-11
Now several things happen in these verses. 
First, there was a confession.
That’s in verse 8.  Peter said, "Depart from me O Lord for I am a sinful man." 
He was saying, “Lord I don't deserve this.  I don't deserve such success.  I am not worthy of this.”
That’s what he was saying, but I’ll guarantee you under his breath he was saying, But I sure hope you don't because if you do, I don't have any hope.
He was confessing his unworthiness.  Lord I am not worthy of this.  Lord you alone could make this happen.  There was a confession.
Second, there was a consecration.
You see that in verse 9.  All the disciples were astonished.  They were consecrating this great victory to God.  They knew man couldn't do this.  And when you are successful be sure that you realize that it is in the purpose of God that this happens.
Then, thirdly, there was a call
Notice what Jesus said in verse 10
Jesus said, "Fear not from now on you are going to catch men."  Now understand what that means:  However God chooses to bless you in life with success, it is only so that His kingdom can be furthered.
God may bless you, but just understand it is not primarily about you.  They mistake that many make is to take the blessings of God and squander them on themselves. Your success is not about you.  It is about blessing others and reaching them with the gospel.  That is our calling. 
And He is calling you, whether you are a senior graduating from high school or a senior in the closing years of life or anywhere in between, the calling of God is always and forever the same. God is calling you today to kingdom work.  God has a place for you and He is saying, “You shall catch men.”
That is His call then and that is His call now.  That is why God has placed us in this world. 
Then, finally, there was a commitment.
Look at verse 11. 
These men left everything and followed Jesus.  They left their nets, they gave up their boats, they forsook their business, they left everything and followed Him.
What does that mean?  That means you have to put Christ first in your life and follow Him.  You have to make Him first.  You have to make Him Lord of all that you are, of all that you have. 
I heard about a lifeguard who was stationed on the beach in the ocean.  One day somebody was in trouble out there on the water.  An observer was standing there at the lifeguard's station and they said, why don't you go in, that person is in trouble?  Why are you waiting? 
He said I am waiting a few moments because right now that person is panicking and struggling and if I go in now, they are going to fight me and they may take us both under.  So I am going to wait just a little bit until they are a little bit tired.  And when they tire out a little bit, they won't fight me when I go in to save their life.  When they grow a little bit weaker then I can save them.
That’s the way it is with you and me so many times.  When we become weak, then God can save us, and then God can rescue us.  And sometimes God allows us to grow weak, to fail, so that we can depend on Him, so we can look to Him, so we can cast urselves upon Him. 
Sometimes, He knows that when we are strong, we struggle against Him, when we are strong, we fight against Him.  He waits for that moment when we will surrender our selves totally and completely to Him.
There are a lot of people who are afraid of failure in the world today.  Jesus offers you success.  The irony is that in trying to succeed on your own and refusing to forsake all and follow Jesus, you commit the greatest failure in the world and wind up losing it all and being a failure for all eternity. 
Let's bow together for prayer.