Glorification: Forever Perfect!
Key Words of the Christian Life
Glorification: Forever Perfect!
Romans 8:28-31; 1 John 3:1-3
This morning we are concluding our study of some of the key words of the Christian life.  We’ve spent several weeks trying to better understand what it means to be saved and how that impacts our life on a day-by-day basis.  Than last week we moved beyond the basics of our salvation to look at sanctification and the process we are involved in as children of God that causes us to be more like Christ.
As I mentioned last week, we can think of our salvation in three tenses.  The doctrine of justification means that I have been saved from the penalty of sin. God has declared me not only to be forgiven but He has declared me to be blameless and has declared me to be righteous as though I had never sinned.
And then we talked last week about the doctrine of sanctification and sanctification comes from the idea of certain things or certain people being sanctified by God. It means to be set apart.  In practical terms, it deals with the practice of sin.
Being sanctified means there is less and less of me involved in my daily life and more and more of Jesus showing in my decisions, reactions and responses.
Sanctification is not only a once and for all act where I am set apart from sin and to service, but there is also this process of growing in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the rest of my life.
So we have salvation or justification that deals with the penalty of sin.  Then we have sanctification that deals with the practice of sin.  Then tonight, we come to the third of those great truths and that is glorification.  Glorification deals with the presence of sin and just by way of introduction, let’s take a look at Romans 8.
Most all of us are familiar with Romans 8:28, but this verse doesn’t stand in isolation.  The verses that surround this verse contribute to what it says and it needs to be looked at in context and the context is that of assurance to the believers who are at Rome. Paul is writing all through this eighth chapter of Romans to encourage them.
Now if you notice, the eighth chapter of Romans begins with no condemnation and ends with no separation and everything in between designed to undergird those two thoughts so that a believer can know that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose”.
in other words, those who are saved, those who know Him through grace by the new birth can know that no matter what circumstances occur in their life and how tragic they may be, God’s purpose is never defeated. So what is that purpose?
Well if you read the passage, you discover His purpose is that we be conformed to the image of Christ. The word Scripture uses to speak of the end of that process is glorification.
verse 29
There we find God’s purpose in a single sentence.  God's ultimate purpose for us is to be conformed to the image of His Son.  As children of God, we will become like Jesus.  We will be conformed to the image of His Son because God predetermined that it be so.  Therefore, in God's mind and heart it has already happened.
And what we find there at the end of verse 29 is that God determined it would be like that because God wants a people called by His name where each individual is exactly like Jesus. That is what God is doing in saving you and me. One day we are going to be in heaven with Him and we are going to be exactly like Him.
Now the process He uses to accomplish His will is found in verse 30
The call is speaking of the Holy Spirit's work in calling us to Christ. Jesus said no man can come to God unless the Spirit draws Him. If you and I are saved, it is because we were drawn to God by the work of the Holy Spirit who brought us to Christ.  He showed us our need of Christ, and then brought us to Jesus and convinced us that He was the one and only way to be saved.
Then those who are called, it says, are justified and eventually glorified.  Now it is important to know that the words “called”, “justified” and “glorified” are all in what the Greek language calls the aorist tense. It is a way the Greek language has of using a word to speak of something as though it has already happened.
In other words, in God's mind and heart, the minute God foreknew us and predestinated us, He also called us, justified us, and glorified us all in that same moment of time. Therefore, we are assured of heaven as though we are already there.
And the real sense of these verses is to encourage
believers. Listen: no matter what the devil does, no matter how great temptation is, or how much sin is in our life, or how much the devil comes against us, God's purposes will be accomplished.  And the promise of these verses is God will use all things to work together for that good purpose of conforming us to the image of Jesus.
So as we’ve done with the other words, let’s begin with
  1. The Definition
Glorification simply means that we are going to be conformed to the image of Christ. That we are going to be like Jesus in every way possible.
It’s hard to imagine isn’t it?  To think about Christ in terms of perfection is easy. To think about anyone else in terms of perfection is hard.  It is so far removed from who we are and what we do, it is very difficult to imagine any of us being perfect.  
Have you ever met a perfect person?  I came across this story that I want to read to you about perfection.  Once upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met. After a perfect courtship, they had a perfect wedding.  Their life together was absolutely perfect.
One snowy, stormy Christmas Eve this perfect couple was driving their perfect car along a winding road when they noticed someone at the side of the road in distress.  Being the perfect couple, they stopped to help.
There stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys.  Not wanting to disappoint any children on Christmas Eve, the perfect couple loaded Santa and his toys into their car.  Soon they were driving along delivering the toys.
Unfortunately, the driving conditions deteriorated and the perfect couple and Santa Claus had an accident.  Only one of them survived the accident.
See if you can answer this question.  Who was the survivor?  Obviously, the perfect woman is the only one that survived, because she is the only one who really existed in the first place.  Everybody knows there is no Santa Claus and there is no such thing as a perfect man.
However, there is more because if there is no perfect man and there is no Santa Claus, then the perfect woman must have been driving and that explains why there was a car accident.
We all know that nobody is perfect.  In fact, the scripture says, "For there is not a single person in all the earth who is always good and never sins."  (Ecclesiastes 7:20, NLT)  The New Testament adds in Romans 3:23 that, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”
We all know that nobody is perfect.  No one argues that point.  But did you realize there is a way for you to become perfect?  Now that is a trick question in a way, because the answer is a qualified yes.  No, you cannot be perfect in this life, but you can be perfect in the life to come if you are a child of God.
Now that statement doesn't include everybody because contrary to popular opinion, not everybody is a child of God.  John 1:12 says, "But to all who believed Him (that is Jesus) and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12, NLT)  So according to Scripture, only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord are children of God.
Now to me, it just makes sense for us to be perfect if we are going to dwell in the presence of God for eternity.  Think about it this way:  Which is harder to comprehend, that God can change us to be perfect, or we could be imperfect and be in God’s presence?
Let me give you, from the Old Testament,
  1.  An Illustration
The story is found in Exodus 34.  When we arrive at chapter 34, Moses has been on Mt. Sinai with God for 40 days.   Moses spent 40 days with God on the mountain.
Notice verse 27-35
Now there’s a lot of good stuff to see in that passage, but let’s just focus on this:  Whatever is in God’s presence is glorious.
So transforming was this experience, so life changing was this experience that what happened to Moses on the inside was evident on the outside, so much so that his face was literally, physically shining with the glory of God.  No one could miss it.  Now obviously, from a human perspective, that meant when he spoke, it was with the authority of God.  But on the other side, it tells me that anything in God’s presence is overwhelmed with his glory.
We see very much the same thing at the stoning of Stephen.  When he stood there preaching the Word of God, God overwhelmed Him with His presence and people saw his face shining.
At the transfiguration, the glory of God that was housed in an earthly, human body began to leak and those with Jesus saw Him in a way they had never seen Him before.
And what we read about in those accounts regarding a temporary appearance of the glory of God will be a forever, eternal state for the children of God.
Listen to what John says about that in 1 John 3:1-3
  1.  The Application
I want you to see how glorification is a part of the Christian life and experience as a child of God.
  • His Children Of God We Stand In Perfection
Verse 1
Now just imagine that.  The moment you receive Jesus Christ into your life, God calls you one of His children.  It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about you, God says you are one of His children.
There are three ways to get into a family.  First of all, you can be born into a family; life gives you that privilege.  Second, you can be adopted into a family; the law gives you that privilege.  Third, you can marry into a family; love gives you that privilege.
We’ve already talked about two of them in Scriptural terms in this series.  We are born into the family of God through the Holy Spirit. We called that regeneration.  John 3:8 speaks of those who are, "Born of the Spirit of God" (John 3:8, NLV)
Then we are adopted into the family of God, by God the Father, and as we learned, adoption gives us full-grown rights and privileges as the children of God.
And by both birth and adoption, God deals with us as His children.  By the way, we are also married into the family of God through the Son of God.  Revelation 21:9 calls us, "The bride, the wife of the Lamb of God." (Revelation 21:9, NIV)
But as far as this study is concerned, we are in His family as His children.  Why is that so important?
When God looks at His children, He doesn't see the rags of wickedness, He sees the robe of His righteousness.  The moment you become a child of God you are in God's eyes made perfect in Christ.
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."  (II Corinthians 5:21, NIV)
A perfect God in one sense can only have perfect children.  There is an old country song title that says, "You're the reason our kids are so ugly."  The truth is imperfect parents do produce imperfect children.  Our kids are not perfect children.  Our kids are not perfect, because they are just like me.  Obviously, if they were like their mother they would be perfect.
Now there is no doubt God knows our flaws and failures.  He knows our thoughts and motives.  But when He looks at us, He doesn't see them.  It is like a little girl said one time in a Bible study group. The teacher asked the question, "Is there anything that God cannot do."  Not expecting an answer, he was shocked when this one little girl raised her hand.  He said, "Amelia, tell me one thing God can't do."  That little girl said, "God cannot see my sin through the blood of Jesus."  That is true and because of that in one sense, as children of God, we stand in perfection.  But we also need to realize that
  • As Children Of God We Strive For Perfection
Even though you may not be perfect yet, if you are truly a child of God, you want to strive to be as perfect as you possibly can.
verses 2-3
One of the marks that you are a child of God is that you are looking for, longing for, and living for the second coming of Jesus Christ.  There is a very simple test to determine whether or not you really believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.
If you do, you want to live in such a way that when He does come, He will find you being for Him what you ought to be, doing for Him what you ought to do, living for Him the way you ought to live.
Listen to 2 Corinthians 7:1
You know a good child wants to live in such a way that He pleases His parents.  There's always been something that has been a great motivator for me in the way I have lived my life and it has to do with my parents.  Now for my mother, it was out of love and respect.  From my dad, it was out of raw fear, but I did not want to do anything that would ever make them ashamed of me.  I did not want to do anything that would ever bring reproach to my family's name.
If you are truly a child of God, you want to live your life in such a way that you don't disappoint or bring shame to your Heavenly Father.  There is an undeniable connection between how you live and how you look.  The more you live for Jesus, the more you will look like Jesus.
Have you ever noticed how couples who have been married a long, long time begin to look like each other?  It is funny that kids will grow up and they will absolutely swear that they will never be like their parents, but in many ways they are.  They just can't help themselves.  When you live with someone and live for someone, you will become like that person.
You ought to ask yourself this question.  When Jesus Christ comes to this earth, if I am still here, what will He find in my life?  Jesus once said, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find on this earth anyone with faith?" (Luke 18:8, CEV)
What Jesus was saying was, when He comes back, will He truly find people who have enough faith in Him to live for Him?
When Jesus comes, I don't want Him to find His tithe in my wallet.  I don't want Him to find a grudge in my heart.  I don't want Him to find pornography on my computer.  I don't want Him to find bitterness in my spirit.
A couple was arguing over the name to give their first born child and they finally asked the pastor to come and intercede.  The pastor said, "What's the problem?"  The wife spoke up first.  She said, "He wants to name the boy after his father and I want to name the boy after my father."  The pastor said, "What is your father's name?"  She said, "Joseph."  He looked at the man and said, "What is your father's name?"  He said, "Joseph."  The pastor was stunned.  He said, "So what is the problem?"
The wife spoke up again and said, "His father was a thief and spent most of his life in jail.  My dad was a righteous man who loved and served the Lord.  So how can I know that my son is named after my father and not his?"
The pastor thought for a moment and said, "Call the boy Joseph then see if he turns out to be a thief or a righteous man and then you will know which father's name he wears."
To call yourself a child of God is one thing but to be called a child of God by those who watch your life is another thing all together and as children of God even though we are not perfect, we will strive for perfection.
Now, here’s the good news
  • As Children Of God We Will See Our Perfection
Notice verse 2
Now let that sink in.  Here is the answer to the question of whether a person can be perfect.
Did you know you can be perfect?  Yes, you can be if you are a child of God.  As a matter of fact, if you are a child of God one day you will be.  IT has already been pre-determined and one day it will happen.  John says when He appears we are going to be just like Him.
That can only mean one thing.  If I am going to be just like Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is perfect, then I am going to be perfect.  If you think about it, there are three chapters in the life of a child of God.  Chapter one is -- I am not what I used to be.  Chapter two is -- I am not what I ought to be.  Chapter three is -- I am not what I am going to be.
Then beyond that, there awaits a day when you can look back and say, “I am not what I used to be.  I am what I’m going to be and I will forever be what I am. “
When Jesus comes we are going to be just like Him.  That doesn't mean that we are going to be Jesus clones.  It doesn't mean that we are going to be little Gods.  What it does mean is that in body, soul, spirit, word, thought and deed we are going to be absolutely perfect.  To me that means at least three things.
First of all, we are going to be spiritually purified.
Do you have a problem with anger?  Do you have to battle it?  You won't in heaven.  Do you tend to be a selfish person?  You won't in heaven.  Do you have a problem with lust?  Are you impatient?  You won't worry about that in heaven.  You will be absolutely perfect.
That is one of the great differences between one who is a child of God and one who is not.  You see, both the child of God and the one who is not a child of God have to struggle with imperfection while on this earth.  The one who is not a child of God will have to live with his imperfection for eternity.
Revelation 22:11 puts it this way,
"Evil people will keep on being evil, and everyone who is dirty-minded will still be dirty-minded. But good people will keep on doing right and God's people will always be holy. (Revelation 22:11, CEV)
We will also be physically glorified.
Philippians 3:21 says,
"He will make these poor bodies of ours like his own glorious body."     (Philippians 3:21, CEV)
Glorification means that we will be like Jesus in His own body. I don't have any idea what that means.  I don't know what we are going to be like.  I just know who we are going to be like.  I don't know exactly what kind of body we are going to have because I don't know what kind of body Jesus has. But I know this, it will be perfect.  It will be a body with no cancer, no diabetes, no Alzheimer’s, no heart disease, totally immune from disease and death.
A body that cannot sin, a body that cannot grow tired, a body not subject to pain or suffering or disease or decay. This is the ultimate purpose of God in glorification.  In that day when Jesus comes, in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, and the dead will be raised at the last trump when Christ comes and we shall be incorruptible then the corruption will put on incorruption, the mortal will put on immortality.
John says, "We shall be changed." It will be fashioned like unto His own glorious body. Jesus had a body and the kind of body he had post-resurrection is what we’re going to get.
The body of Jesus after the resurrection did not grow tired and weary. It was not subject to space. That body could pass through the upper room and suddenly appear in the midst of the room. He did not have to go through the door He could think and He was there. It was a body that was controlled by thought and He could be in this place or that place as soon as He thought the thought or as soon as He willed to be somewhere and it was a body similar and yet different to His body that He had while on earth.
The disciples on the road to Emmaus finally recognized Him. They could see the prints of the nails in His hands.  He was like the old body but it was vastly different.  There was something different about Him.  That tells me you and I will look like us, but it will be the new and improved model!  Some things are the same, but everything is different!
We will be spiritually purified, physically glorified and
We will be eternally satisfied.
The psalmist said, "As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness.  (Psalm 17:15, NKJV)
I don't know what heaven is going to be like.  I don't know what we are going to be like.  I don't know exactly what Jesus is like.  But I do know whatever it is all like, we are going to be totally, completely satisfied forever.
All of which makes me so glad that I am a child of God.  When someone grows old, without Jesus Christ, all he can do is look back.  If you are not a child of God, you have absolutely nothing to look forward to.  But if you are a child of God, you have a future that is as bright as the promises of God.  You are headed for a future where you are going to be absolutely perfect.
A girl with a twisted ugly body with a face that had been scarred through an accident in a fire went to school and as kids are, they were very cruel to her that day.  They mocked her and made fun of her and she came home crying to her momma.
She said, "Momma why did God make me like this?" And the mother with a tear in her eye and wisdom in her in her heart said, "Honey, God is not through making you yet."
And dear friend, that is the message of glorification.  God is not through making us. In His mind it has been predetermined that we are going to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ, and one day it shall come to pass.
Let’s pray.