The Ultimate Resource in Life (John 15:11)
Delight Yourself in the Lord
The Ultimate Resource in Life
John 15:11
We are exploring what it means to "Delight yourself in the Lord". And basically, the study is about what it means to be happy from a Biblical perspective. I have advanced the idea that the ultimate pleasure or joy or happiness in life is found in right relationship with God.
That supposition is driven by Psalm 16:11 where we read that the fullness of joy is found in the presence of God. That makes sense because God is happy. Happiness is inherent in His nature. think about that: Nothing “makes” God happy. God does not “have” happiness.
God is the personification of happiness by his essence and nature. He is happy because He is who He is, and His happiness is eternal. And wonder of wonders, He chooses to share His happiness, His joy with us.
Now, some would argue that joy is for a future day and age when we exist in God's presence in heaven, and I suppose it is right to say that is the ultimate enjoyment.
But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy God's presence now. In fact, that's really what being a Christian is all about. And that joy or pleasure is discovered in knowing Jesus. After all, as we saw this morning, He is the only One Who can get us to God. So the ultimate treasure in life is Christ.
And everything else in life flows from that relationship. That's what we've been discovering in this series. The worship we offer, the love that we share, the wealth we enjoy, the relationship of marriage, and even our prayer life is designed to bring God's joy into our human lives.
However, that does not mean that we have a problem-free existence. As you know, every day with Jesus is not “sweeter than the day before.” Some days with Jesus our disposition is as sour as dill pickles.
Some days with Jesus we are so sad we feel our heart will break open. Some days with Jesus the stress and pressure turns us into a knot of nerve endings. Some days with Jesus we are so depressed and discouraged that between the garage and the house we just want to sit down on the grass and cry.
Every day with Jesus is not sweeter than the day before. We know it from experience and we know it from Scripture. Think about the most well-known Psalm in the Bible, the 23rd. It contains that beautiful, poetic language that is so familiar.
The psalmist talks about being lead by the Lord, Who is his shepherd, and along the journey, his soul is restored, and they travel together through the valley of the shadow of death and enjoy a meal together in the presence of enemies. Just beautiful!
But don't miss the fact that he needed his soul restored because he had bad days! After all, he was in the valley of the shadow of death. He had very real enemies that were looking to destroy him.
And it bears repeating that the normal Christian life is a repeated process of restoration and renewal. Our joy is not static. It fluctuates with real life. It is the constant target of Satan’s attacks. In fact, Paul makes an interesting statement in 2 Corinthians 1:24 when he says, "we are fellow workers for your joy”.
In other words, joy takes work! It's one of those conundrums of the Christian life. The preservation of our joy in God takes work. It is a fight. Our adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, and he has an insatiable appetite to destroy one thing: the joy of our faith.
And that's why what we read in John 15:11 is so startling. It's one of those verses that causes our head to snap around and look at it again.
Jesus says, "I have shared with you what I've shared so you can live in joy. I want you to enjoy my joy on a constant, overflowing basis."
Now, without going into all the details of John 15, let's just focus for a moment on one primary detail. Jesus said, "These things I have spoken unto you with the goal of My joy remaining in you."
Now strictly in the context of the chapter, He is referring to the 10 verses preceding this one. But would it not be appropriate to say that anything and everything Jesus has spoken to us would fit in the same category? I think so.
In fact, I would suggest that God's Word, the Bible we hold in our hands, is God's word given to us with, not only the goal of bringing His joy to us, but of speaking to every need and question and situation in life in which we find ourselves. It is the ultimate resource in life.
And that is precisely what we find the Psalmist saying in the 119th Psalm, beginning in verse 97
Psalm 119:97-104
If we took the time to look back through this psalm, we would discover this is not the first time the writer has mentioned his love for God's word.
In verse 16, he calls it "his delight". He finds wonderful things in it. according to verse 18. It is like music to him, verse 54. It is better than silver or gold, verse 72, and it's like finding great treasure, verse 162.
Does that sound a little strange to you? I confess that on one level, it sounds a bit strange to me. Most of us don’t think of the Word of God in these poetic terms. We are not accustomed to thinking that the Bible is more valuable to us than silver or gold.
So the idea of “loving” God’s Word may seem a bit odd. But if this sounds strange to us, that says something about us; it says nothing at all about the psalmist. We are the ones who are a bit out of step.
Do you love God’s Word? The psalmist did! He loved it; he relied on it; he allowed it to guide and he allowed it to direct his life.
  1. the verses I read, let me point you toward four reasons the psalmist saw the word of God as his ultimate resource in life.
First, it provided him with
1. Superior Wisdom
Psalm 119:98-100
In these verse, this one reason is mentioned three times: God’s Word gives us wisdom! Note the phrases he uses: Because of God's Word, he is "wiser” than his enemies. He has "more understanding than his teachers". And he understands more than the ancients.
Now some might read that and come away believing this is just arrogant youth speaking. He's just a smart aleck who thinks he is better than everyone else.
But that is not the case. He is speaking from the confidence that comes from knowing that God’s wisdom is superior to human wisdom. If you learn what God says, you will know things the people of the world have never discovered. Let's look at those three statements. First, he says God's wisdom is
- Superior to the wisdom of his enemies
verse 98
All of us have enemies at one time or another. They try to intimidate us by clever talk, crafty schemes and evil threats. They may attempt to frighten us into thinking that they are smart and we are stupid. They may be boastful “know it alls” who put down anyone who disagrees with them. In fact, that describes most of the unsaved world today. They have all the knowledge and the church exists in some back-woods, out-dated fog that is out of touch with modern discoveries and uninformed of scientific opinion.
Don't be misled by their arrogance. They may have street knowledge and even a certain degree of intellectual ability. They are no doubt shrewd in worldly wisdom and gifted at twisting words and manipulating the facts and drawing conclusions and forming hypothesis. But be not dismayed. They do not have true wisdom. In fact, they are dumb as rocks when it comes to knowing what's really going on because that knowledge is reserved for those who know the truth of God.
So how does the Word of God give us superior wisdom? Verse 98 says, “it is ever with me,” which means that as I internalize the Word of God, it becomes a part of my life. That sounds very much akin to what Jesus said in John 15. I want my joy to remain in you by My Word remaining in you.
I can never get this wisdom by sitting in my recliner, watching TV all day, drinking Coke and eating popcorn while I watch the Dallas Cowboys beat the Washington Redskins (that's a little bit of hopeful prophecy).
If I want true wisdom, sooner or later I’ve got to turn off the TV, put down the remote control, and pick up my Bible. Only then will I discover the wisdom that delivers me from my enemies.
Second, he says God's wisdom is
- Superior to the wisdom of his teachers
verse 99
Understand, he's not disrespecting human teachers. He is just reminding us that there are limits to human knowledge.
And that's true, no matter how many degrees you have after your name! Human wisdom can only take you so far. Let me illustrate. In virtually every public school science class in America, students are taught that evolution is the only true explanation for human origins.
In most places, it is taught as fact, not theory. But the problem with that teaching goes much deeper than just a science class. Evolution is actually the cornerstone of a humanistic worldview that attempts to account for everything in the universe apart from God. And woe to the Christian student who dares to disagree with the teacher and believe the Biblical record.
Equally under attack is the teacher who puts his or her job at risk by challenging the accepted party line. But it is at this point that a knowledge of the Bible is essential. If you know Genesis 1-11, you truly have “more understanding” than your teachers.
know about Noah’s flood, the Tower of Babel and the dispersal of the nations, you have a depth of knowledge and a wealth of understanding that goes far beyond your teachers.
That's why I say talk to a fourth-grade child who has been raised in a Baptist Sunday School, and they will give you better information about the origins of earth than the most educated doctors on the staff of any major university in the world.
And don't miss how we are able to gain this sort of wisdom from the Word:
verse 99b
God is able to teach you directly from his Word, but it takes time and effort and determination. It doesn’t happen by chance.
Third, the psalmist tells us God's wisdom is
- Superior to the wisdom of the aged
verse 100
Now we move into dangerous territory if we mishandle this verse because you cannot read the Bible and miss the high value placed on the elderly. They are to be loved, revered, respected, cared for and listened to. Our elders have experience that we can benefit from, and we need to be wise enough to listen. There is always much to learn from those who are older than you.
However, old age by itself does not equal wisdom. There is such a thing as an “old fool.” In fact, the world is full of “old fools” who started out as “young fools” and then simply grew older and more foolish.
Wisdom comes, not from years alone, but years spent obeying God’s Word. The “understanding” he mentions in this verse means the ability to penetrate with insight into difficult issues. We know how to tackle hard problems because we have learned what God says in the Bible.
Again, note the reason this is possible:
verse 100b
The Bible is not magic. It will not change you by itself. You don’t get wisdom by osmosis. If you want this superior wisdom, you must do what the psalmist did.
Look at the key phrases in verses 98-100. First, he says, God's commandments are "with me". That means I ought to read it!
Then he talks about meditating on the testimonies. That implies study.
And thirdly, he talks about keeping the precepts which means we have to obey it.
Read … Study … Obey. Follow that formula and you too will have superior wisdom.
Not only does the psalmist see the word of God as his ultimate resource because it provides him with superior wisdom, but also because it gives him
2. Spiritual Discernment
Psalm 119:101-102
The psalmist declares that the Bible keeps him off the wrong road and keeps him on the right road. Every day we are faced a thousand times over with the choice of going one direction or the other. One road is the path of obedience that leads to joy, peace, fulfillment, and a deeper knowledge of God.
The other road is the path of temptation, sin, compromise, bitterness, anger, violence, lust, pride, greed, gluttony and sloth. And each day we choose again and again which road we will follow.
If we obey God’s Word, the truth will move us in the right direction. We will know which way to go and the Word will help us choose the right path.
Back up just a few verses to
Psalm 119:9
According to this verse, one function of God’s Word is keeping us on the path of moral purity. It puts a “guard” around the mind to keep us on the right track.
Notice the two parts of this spiritual discernment. First, there is
- self-restraint
At the beginning of verse 101, he says, "I have restrained my feet from every evil way".
It is an intentional act, meaning, “I could do that but I won’t.” The question is not primarily "Can I do it?", but rather "Should I do it?"
As Christians, led by God's Word, we have a higher calling in life. That Word is the foundation and guide for all that we do.
Second, there is
- personal submission
Verse 102 says, “I have not departed from your judgments".
As I was studying this text, it occurred to me that we all need rules. Everyone wants to be free from rules and authority, but we all need the guidance and boundaries that they bring to us. That's why they put up speed limit signs and "caution" markers.
We are surrounded every day by all kinds of rules and prohibitions that govern us in every aspect of society.
You would think that by time we are adults we would have learned the proper way to conduct ourselves and live as mature adults. By the way, that's why we impose rules on children. We are trying to teach them how to be adults. The purpose of the rules is to help us develop personal convictions so that when the rules are not in force, we will still choose to do the right thing.
That's what the psalmist is saying. He says, "I have not departed from the things I was taught by God Himself." They are still with me and I'm still honoring them by not departing from what I was taught.
In every situation of life, the Word of God will show you what to do, if we will allow it to. And by the way, it is the only reliable source of absolute moral truth. Follow what it says and your life will be pure and clean.
Robert Murray McCheyne was famous for praying this simple prayer: “Lord, make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can ever be.” That’s a wonderful prayer that is answered day by day as we learn to love God’s Word.
And just before we move on, I want to point out something from verse 102 that answers a crucial question: How does God speak to us today?
Many people look for dreams, visions and other unusual manifestations. But take note of what the psalmist says about his experience with the Word of God. As he read it, he discovered that “You Yourself have taught me.”
In other words, He heard the voice of God in the pages of His Word! And I will submit to you that when we come to the Bible reverently, humbly, and with open hearts, God speaks directly to us also.
Superior wisdom, spiritual discernment, and thirdly, the psalmist saw the Word as his ultimate resource because it brought him
3. Lasting Joy
Psalm 119:103
In those days honey was the universal sweetener. Back then people used honey the way we use sugar and artificial sweeteners. The writer is telling us that he has a “sweet tooth” for God’s Word. To most of us, that is an unusual and perhaps even a strange thought. To us sweetness speaks of chocolate cake and Krispy Kreme donuts.
We don’t normally think of sweetness when we read the Bible. After all, this is a big book filled with history and doctrine and prophecy and lots of words that are hard to pronounce. Plus the Bible is printed in a big book that is often quite bulky. It’s hard to associate the thought of sweetness with the Bible as a whole.
You and I may not think of it in that way, but the Psalmist and others who wrote the Old Testament sure did:
Just here in the 119th, the psalmist says, “The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart” (Psalm 19:8)?
“I will delight in thy statutes, I will not forget thy word” (Psalm 119:16).
“Oh, how I love thy law, it is my meditation all the day” (Psalm 119:97).
“Thy testimonies are my heritage forever, yea, they are the joy of my heart” (Psalm 119:111).
Jeremiah said, “Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name. . ." (Jeremiah 15:16).
What does he mean? I think the key is in the phrase “your words.” He's not just referencing the Word of God as a whole, although it would be right to say it that way also.
But He's savoring the words, plural, of God! His joy is found in the sentences and words and statements that have been voiced by God! They are each an individual treat to be savored and enjoyed. One by one, phrase by phrase, verse by verse, they become sweet to us.
Think of a piece of hard candy. How do you eat it? You put it in your mouth and let it dissolve slowly. As it dissolves, the sweetness fills your mouth. If you stuff 20 pieces of candy in your mouth, they won’t fit and you’ll end up spitting them out. The sweetness you seek comes slowly, one piece at a time.
Martin Luther said the way to study the Bible is to pick a verse and then shake it like you shake a fruit tree. If you keep shaking a verse, sooner or later the fruit will fall in your lap. Luther also said if the fruit doesn’t fall, go to another verse. Eventually you will find a verse where the fruit falls in abundance. There you can stop and feast on God’s Word.
Consider the familiar words of Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.” Roll that around in your mind for a moment. It is the Lord Himself who shepherds me.
And He is my shepherd at all times, in every situation, no matter where I am or what I am doing.
Even when I stray from him, he never leaves my side. And even though he is the shepherd for others, he is a personal shepherd—"my shepherd,” known by me and I am known to him. Therefore, I do not want, I will not want, I cannot lack for any good thing.
I have never been in want, I am not in want now (no matter my circumstances), and I will not be in want tomorrow. Such a shepherd is my Lord to me.
Now that’s very simple, isn’t it? And much more could be added. But even as you savor those words, you can feel the fruit falling all around you! This is how the Word of God becomes sweet to us. Word by word, phrase by phrase, verse by verse. If we will savor it, its sweetness will fill our hearts.
How desperately we need this. We live in a loud, mean, harsh, ugly and abusive age. We need to turn aside from the sounds of the world and fill our minds with something beautiful. Once the Word of God becomes sweet to you, you will become a sweeter person. And that sweetness comes to us as we spend time with our Lord in his Word.
There's one final thing I want to mention before we leave this psalm and it is the fourth reasons the psalmist gives for why he sees God's Word as his ultimate resource in life, and that is through it, he develops a
4. Holy Hatred
Psalm 119:104
I don't know about you, but if I had been writing this section of scripture, I would have probably ended it at verse 103 by talking about the sweetness of God's Word because that seems like such a nice place to finish.
I mean, "Lasting Joy" is much nicer than “Holy Hatred.” But the Christian life is more than sweetness. There is also a hard edge to our faith.
Whether we like it or not, we live in an ugly world where evil people do terrible things. And even apparently nice people can sometimes be incredibly cruel. If we are going to grow spiritually, we must learn to hate evil.
Take a moment to contrast the end of the stanza with the beginning. Verse 97 says, “Oh, how I love your law” and verse 104 concludes with “therefore I hate every false way.”
There is a vital connection between loving the law of God and hating evil. And developing that hatred is an essential part of following Christ. Before we can fully love God’s Word, we must also hate what God hates. If we love God’s law, we will hate every false way. We will never learn what is true unless we also learn what is false and turn from it.
There is a very practical ramification from this truth. If you ignore the Bible, sin will not seem very bad to you.
Apart from the Bible, sin will seem “sort of bad” and “not very good” but it will not seem “exceedingly sinful.” The world will seem like your home and sinners more attractive than saints as long as you neglect God’s Word.
Notice the flow from verse 103 to 104. God's word is sweet to the taste, and as I come to fully understand it, there develops a hatred for that which is contrary to that sweet word. There is no contradiction there. In fact, those two verses belong together. Loving the Word makes us sweeter and stronger at the same time. As God’s Word grows sweeter, every false way will become more repulsive to us.
Let’s wrap things up by considering again the theme of this stanza: “Oh, how I love your law.” Do not make the mistake of reading the word “love” as some sort of emotional, sentimental attraction. The Hebrew word used here is much stronger than that.
It means to make a lasting commitment to someone or something. To love God’s Word means to commit yourself to making it the foundation of your life. This sort of love cannot happen by accident. It is a combination of desire plus diligence. You don’t wake up one day loving the Bible. That is a cultivated habit that is developed over time.
If you want to learn to love God’s Word and make it your ultimate resource in life, let me suggest five essential steps to make that happen.
First, you must
  1. Read it.
  1. Ponder it.
  1. Memorize it.
  1. Share it.
  1. Pray over it.
If you will take those five steps every day, sooner or later, the Bible will become very precious to you and reading it will go from drudgery to duty to daily delight. It will become so much a part of you that you depend on it in every conversation, in every decision and in every situation.
And you will enjoy superior wisdom, spiritual discernment, lasting joy and a holy hatred for sin.
Let's pray:
Lord, implant in me a love for your Word. Write your truth upon my heart. Let your Word be my joy, my strength, and my wisdom. And let it be the source of all that I say and do. May I love your Word today more than yesterday and tomorrow more than today. May your Word be precious to me because it comes from you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.