Real Wisdom
James 3:13-18
As we saw Sunday morning, the Bible talks to us about a "know so" salvation. In the writings of the Apostle John, in particular I John, we are told that it is possible to have a "know so" salvation. Brother James comes along, and he also says that there is a "show so" salvation.
Notice verse 13
Do you remember when you were in grade school they used to have show and tell? You would bring something and show it and tell about it. James says that that is the way the faith ought to be, that our faith should be a faith which we show by our daily life.
What he's saying here is that if you are a wise person you will show that you are a wise person by the kind of life that you live. Your lifestyle will demonstrate whether or not you have the wisdom of God in your life.
The Bible says that you can have wisdom. Now we’ve already heard James talk about wisdom in Chapter 1, verse 5.
There he tells us it is possible to have the wisdom of God in your life.
But in these verses James is going to make a contrast between two kinds of wisdom. He is going to talk about the wisdom which is from above and the wisdom which is from below.