The Book of Mark #6 chapter 1:21-28
The Book of Mark
Cosmic Authority
Mark 1:21–28
As we come to Mark1:21 and get into the actual account of the events of the ministry of Jesus Christ, Mark with one incident that takes place in the synagogue in Capernaum.
Remember, as I told you last week, Jesus has authority over three primary entities.  He has authority over Satan, sin and sinners.  Well right off the bat we get to see that authority in more detail as Mark tells us about Jesus overpowering a demon.
This is one of many times and one of many statements about Jesus' power to do that found in the early chapters of Mark.
Verses 21-28
Notice the contrast between the response of demons and the response of people.  In verses 22 and 27, people are amazed at His authority.  On the other hand, the demons were terrified. What makes the difference? I think it is because the people didn’t know Who He was while the demons did.  Did you notice that in verse 24? The demons obviously knew who He was.
In fact, in the first half of the gospel of Mark, they are the only ones who know for sure Who He is!   They know Him. They have known Him since they were created by Him. They have known Him since they were dwelling in heaven as holy angels before they rebelled.
They have known Him since they surrounded the throne, before Lucifer led them in their rebellion.
There is no question about their knowledge of Jesus.
It’s rather interesting that the first testimony in the gospel of Mark to the identity of Jesus comes from a demon.
Those who studied scripture for a living didn’t recognize Him.  The scribes and Pharisees said He came from the devil.  The crowd wondered where He came from. Even John the Baptist wasn’t fully convinced, but the demons knew and that’s why they were terrified.
Now that is good news for us as we do ministry.  No matter what we’re doing whether it is preaching or singing or soul-winning or mission work, where ever and whatever the circumstances, the authority of Jesus Christ causes the opposition to cower in fear.
So what is it about Jesus that terrifies demons and people to be amazed?  This text tells us.  First of all, it is
1. His Word
verses 21-22
Obviously, the demons do not like the truth.  They did not like the fact that Jesus arrived and taught the truth because they know the only possible way in which deceived people can be liberated from their clutches is by means of the truth. Here came Jesus teaching the truth and the truth does damage to their kingdom. Apart from the truth, no one can be saved from their clutches. So Jesus comes with authoritative teaching of the truth.
Now Mark doesn't tell us anything about what He taught. Instead He focuses on the response to what He taught.  Verse22 tells us “they were amazed at His teaching.” Why? “For He was teaching them as one having authority and not as the scribes.”
What does it mean to teach “with authority”?  There was some kind of power and conviction they were not accustomed to.   The word “authority” means rule or dominion.  It carries the idea of having jurisdiction and power.  He spoke as if He was in charge.  And notice it wasn’t like the scribes.
So how did the scribes speak? Well apparently they didn't speak with authority.  They just quoted other rabbis. This rabbi says this...this rabbi says that.  There are some people who think this rabbi is right, there are some people who think that rabbi is right. And they prided themselves on being able to attach themselves to the past and quote various revered rabbis.
But Jesus is Someone who doesn't quote anybody.  He doesn’t draw His theology from another source.  He’s not an echo; He’s a voice and when He spoke it is unlike anything else they’ve ever heard.  And the immediate response is terror from the demons and amazement by the people.
Notice also, the demons are terrified by the Son of God not only because of His Word, but because of
2. His Judgment
verse 23
It sounds like these demons knew what was awaiting them.  There concern is being destroyed.  They knew their inevitable damnation. The demons in chapter 5 with the man who is living among the pig feared the same thing. “Put us into the pigs instead of the pit” is their request.  
They know Jesus is their judge and He will be the One Who decides their fate.  They know the Lake of Fire has been prepared for them. They knew it before it was ever written in Scripture in Matthew 25:41, and they knew Jesus was the judge who had the power to send them there.
Thirdly, they are terrified because of
3.  His Purity
Verse 24
When the angel came to Mary, Luke 1:35, they declared she was going to have a holy child, the Son of the Most High God. The demons know that. And demons who are ultimate wickedness, cringe in the face of perfect holiness.
They know God is holy. They know the Son is holy. They know that they were thrown out of heaven because they are unholy. They know that they once faced the holiness of God and were thrown out of His presence, headed for a Lake of Fire. They know they're going to face Him again.  They are permanently unholy, permanently wretched and they want nothing to do with absolute Holiness.
Fourthly, they are terrified by
4.  His Power
Verses 25-26
At this point, it's not yet time for the destruction of demons, that is still yet to come. But this demon gets a taste of the authority and the power that Christ has over them. This is the very power that one day will speak them into the Lake of Fire.
The power of Jesus is amazing at this point. He had the instant authority to command these demons. There is no dialogue, no negotiation, no formula, no prayer, no exorcism.  It is just absolute power.
By the way, there's no such thing in the Bible as an exorcism.  In every encounter Jesus had with a demon, Jesus commanded them and they left. Jesus delegated that power to His Apostles and they did the same. The only people who ever had demons in them were non-believers and Jesus spoke them out by His amazing power.
Nobody else has that power.  You and I can't do that. You can't walk up to a non-believer if you could discern that that they had demons and command the demons to come out. That power belongs to Jesus alone.  We don’t have the power to get demons out or salvation in on our own.  It is only done through the name and power of Jesus.
When we bring the gospel to a non-believer and they put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, He washes them clean and the demons flee.  The attention is on the Son of God who publicly displays divine power.
By His own authority He sent the demon out. Jesus is showing that He is the Messiah, He is the King, He is the Savior, He is bringing the Kingdom. He has the power that He needs to break the bondage that Satan possesses. He can destroy Satan and his forces and deliver souls. The King's power is now visible. It is unmistakable.
How do we know?
Verses 27-28
They had been amazed.  Now they are even more amazed. And they can’t figure out what they’ve seen.  They’ve never seen anything like this.  He taught like nobody taught and everyone knew He had power that no one ever, ever possessed.
The demons were terrified and the people were amazed.  And it ought to amaze us.  But amazement and terror aren’t enough.  In fact, there are probably some folks who were amazed at what they saw who are will spend eternity in the same hell the terrified demons are in.  Jesus doesn't want your astonishment. He wants your heart and soul and life as you acknowledge Him as Savior.
The demons knew who He was and couldn't be saved. The people didn't believe He was who He claimed to be and wouldn't be saved. What is necessary is a combination of both. You need to be amazed and terrified. Amazed at such a Savior and terrified at such a judge.
Let’s pray.